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Vitamin D


 This time of the year, the northern hemisphere is starting to receive UVB lights. This means vitamin D synthesis on the skin is possible, but only if you have Skin in the Game.

Now is the time to expose your body and eyes to the full spectrum of the Sun and primates for UVB, which will slowly become more and more intense as we get to summer.

Vitamin D is a proxy for light assimilation. 95% of your stored vitamin D level should be derived from sunlight, the remaining from the diet.

Making vitamin D on your skin is not as easy as people think hence why someone could live in Texas or California and have frequent sun exposure, yet the vitamin D levels don’t budge. The reason why is that most people are dehydrated interest sadly inside the cell; therefore, the creation of pro-vitamin D is impaired. In addition, inflammation in itself can reduce vitamin D levels but also hamper skin assimilation.

Living outside the tropics. You need to respect and know that having Skin in the Game is a must when the Sun is out and make the most of it, storing it like a battery for winter.

Having low vitamin D levels is not a supplement deficiency. It is a lifestyle dysfunction which causes inflammation and the inability to produce energy and handle producing vitamin D, which in theory, is a somewhat stress hormone.

That’s why it is important this time of the year to prime your body with a lighter, less intense ultraviolet light or use red light therapy devices to precondition and train your biology. Similar to doing warmup sets or mobility exercises before you train all your main lifts. This is how it works.

Unfortunately, most doctors most, gurus or schools tell you to fear the Sun when in fact, we wouldn’t be here today without it in the way it produces oxygen via photosynthesis with plants.

