Well… it could be because of that change of life that is women go through. That dreaded topic… Perimenopause/ Menopause. 🙈
EAT MORE PROTEIN: Due to declining estrogen and aging, Women need more protein than they did when they were younger. Getting enough protein at every meal maintains lean muscle mass and helps counteract the muscle loss of aging. This helps maintain lean muscle mass and decrease hunger. Eating enough protein is the best way to turn off your brain’s desire to eat. The more protein we eat, the better blood sugar balance we have.
EAT A LOW CARBOHYDRATE DIET: The carbohydrates you eat turn into glucose (sugar) which raises insulin. Keeping insulin low may allow your body to more easily access fat stores to burn for energy which helps reduce abdominal weight gain. Cutting out sugar and high carb foods like rice, potatoes, bread, pasta, and baked goods that rapidly convert to sugar, will get you results that you have been hoping for!!
DON’T EAT TOO MUCH FAT: Keto/Low carb is not the “Carte blanche” to eats tons of fat. If you want to lose weight, you have to burn your own fat stores for energy rather than consume all the energy you need by eating fat. We absolutely need fat for our brain function, our hormones etc. consuming too much fat instead of using our own fat to burn, will not help you lose weight. So if you’re struggling to lose weight, stop the bulletproof coffees, the tons of bacon & the fatty meats. Choose some lean protein a few days a week instead of fatty protein every day, and reduce the amount of fat you’re using.
LIFT WEIGHTS & WALK: Women need muscle mass to preserve bone strength. Muscles that aren’t used become weak and flabby & with fragile bones, your fracture risk is greater. Lifting weights maintains & builds more muscle.. More muscle not only makes you stronger and also strengthens your bones, it can help you improve blood sugar, and reduce insulin resistance. Ditch the intense cardio & walk daily. Too much cardio stresses your body. Walking lowers cortisol.
DO INTERMITTENT FASTING: Take advantage of your natural overnight fast by skipping breakfast and pushing the first meal of the day to the 12-16 hour mark from dinner the night before. Doing this puts in a truly fasted state and you begin to rely on stored body fat for fuel. This promotes fat loss, Improves insulin sensitivity, Improves metabolism.
DON’T SNACK: Constant snacking could be out of boredom, or you have not eaten enough protein. if you’re eating enough protein during your meals, there is no need for you to snack. If you must snack, don’t eat large amounts of nuts and cheese as those calories add up & have higher amounts of fat.
PRIORITIZE SLEEP: Not sleeping enough can lead to weight gain & health issues. Getting enough sleep decrease cortisol and reduces insulin resistance, making weight loss much easier. Make sure your room is nice and cool and quiet. Essential oils and taking a magnesium supplement one hour before bed helps.
LIMIT YOUR ALCOHOL: Drinking alcohol impacts your hormone levels in different ways. It can trigger hot flashes and night sweats and lead to poor sleep. Alcohol can also affect your mood like anxiety and depression. It makes you dehydrated which can also make symptoms worse. Many women say that they suddenly become unable to drink wine which can be a trigger for hot flashes. That’s because wine naturally contains tyramine and histamine and sulphites which have been linked to hot flashes. I’m not saying to eliminate alcohol completely, but if weight loss is your goal and you want to improve your symptoms, limiting alcohol, or removing it all together, would really benefit you.